Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Unofficial Minutes of January 7th Meeting

The following are the "unofficial minutes" which I keep during the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council:
  • Mike Shannon was recognized for his efforts as Chairman of the Pocomoke Christmas Parade. Mike was presented with an Achievement Award and his faithful committee members were recognized. The parade is a signature event for the city which requires a lot of effort to run smoothly.
  • A Public Hearing was held for Resolution A-07-03 concerning the proposed annexation of the Kenny Lankford property located on Map 92, Parcel 38. No one made any comment on this annexation. The council proceeded by unanimous vote to annex this property.
  • President Jimmy Hammond and several Pocomoke Vol. Fire Company officials were on hand to review a Memorandum of Understanding to be established between the company and the city relative to the "old" fire house building and the future use of this property by the city and Fire Company. The MOU was approved and I signed on behalf of the city.
  • Engineer Ed Young was on hand to provide his final report and findings relative to the water issues in Pocomoke Heights as well as the sewer issues for the Rt. 13 Corridor. After reviewing his findings and hearing his recommendations, I proposed to the council the following action to be taken: (1) Two "dead end" lines on Belair and Dorchester Streets will be looped to Market Street and Lynnhaven Drive thus eliminating stagnant water. This work will be done by Public Works staff in the next 4-months; (2) The city will provide funds in the upcoming fiscal year for "Pigging" the water lines throughout the affected areas of the Heights. This work will be accomplished during the summer months. (3) The City Manager will report back to the Mayor and Council with finance recommendations as to replacement of all infrastructure in the affected areas within the next 60-days. The City Council agreed unanimously with these recommendations and voted to do so.
  • Ms. Kathy French presented the Pocomoke Police Department with a $1000.00 donation for the many youth programs they conduct throughout the year. Chief Ervin was on hand to receive the donation. It is one of many Wal-Mart provides to citywide organizations annually.
  • Housing Coordinator Harvey Davis provided an update on our Housing Inspection Program conducted during the past year. Three phases have been accomplished and the fourth is underway. Over one hundred units have been inspected. Many have been identified with deficiencies and many citations have been issued. Mr. Davis also reported that there are 7 housing rehabilitation projects underway.
  • A proclamation was read by Councilwoman Cottman recognizing January, 2008 as National Mentoring Month. The public was encouraged to be involved in the mentoring of our young people.
  • The Council approved on a unanimous vote to allow controlled Goose hunting on property owned by Mr. Harold Scrimgeor which is located in the city limits off of Rt. 13. The approval was contingent on the hunting party providing a plan relative to their shooting.
  • Appointments and re appointments were made to the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Board of Elections Supervisors.
  • One public comment was received complimenting the police departments efforts in making positive contact with the youth of the city, particularly in the black community. The resident stated she had seen a big difference in the past two years and she appreciated the effort.

This concluded the public portion of the meeting. Following this meeting, the Mayor and Council met in Executive Session to discuss and review a preliminary Memorandum of Understanding with the City Attorney; and to ask legal advice on fines related to code enforcement.