Friday, November 9, 2007

Slots, Slots, & More Slots

I have previously stated my feelings regarding the use of Slots as a revenue source for government. On Tuesday, I attended the afternoon session of the Worcester County Commissioners and spoke to them regarding the issue of a casino operation in Pocomoke City. It seems there was an attempt by Delegate Jim Mathias to raise the idea of locating a Worcester County casino operation in Pocomoke City if it was not welcomed at Ocean Downs. The late Delegate Bennett Bozman had proposed something similar several years ago.

Well, they should have checked with us first. Much has changed in the past few years and the idea of locating a casino a quarter mile from our High School is totally unacceptable to the current Mayor and Council. With many looking for some options up in the north end of the county, it looked like they were standing in line to throw Pocomoke City under the bus.

Following many phone calls and two meetings with the County Commissioners, everything was straightened out. After all, Governor O'Malley is only interested in placing his bets at Ocean Downs with Mr. Riddick. In the end, it appears we will have a chance to voice our collective desires at the polls next November, then we can let the chips fall where they may (pun intended).

Basing tax collection and increased revenues on gambling is as risky as the gamblers themselves. At the same time, the current administration is also raising corporate taxes on business along with sales taxes. This is a recipe for corporate movement and folks voting with their feet. When you live so close to neighboring states as we do in Worcester County, folks can also shift money out of the state economy at will. This will only add to a further decline in collected revenues.

I could not help but notice that all of that money we were going to get back was snatched away and subjected to a quick evaporation process in Annapolis. The governor had to know this would happen, but he peddled that bill of goods none the less.

Hang on to your wallet! Three years may seem like an eternity.

Weekly Update

Police Department
  • McDonald's reported receiving a counterfeit $10.00 bill during the past week.
  • Ernest Chisum was cited for Theft from Wal-Mart
  • Winifred Blake was arrested on an outstanding Worcester County Warrant.
  • Vernita Barnard was arrested on a Wicomico County Warrant.
  • Sherry A. Johnson was arrested on an outstanding Worcester County Warrant.
  • Officers assisted the Maryland State Police and the Worcester County Sheriff's Office several times during the previous week.

Animal Control

  • Worcester County Animal Control Officers picked up 8 Pit Bull Terriers from a Laurel Street residence last week. Our officers assisted them in the seizure.

Public Works

  • SHA completed work on repairing the brick sidewalk overlays downtown this week.
  • Winter Quarters Drive was paved, as was Hampshire Terrace.
  • The Eighth and Cedar Street intersection is nearly completed.
  • Crews attended to Christmas lighting downtown.
  • Crews worked at patching numerous pot holes located in the city.

Golf Course

  • Crews finished fertilizing fairways and trees this week.
  • Final grading was completed on the new Tee Box at Hole #6.
  • Crews began preparing for the paving of cart paths to begin next week.

Upcoming Events

  • The Marva Performing Arts Theater will play host to the musical, "Satchmo and Hoagy"on November 17th and 18th.