Friday, March 28, 2008

Republican Women and Liberty

This past week, I was delighted to speak at the meetings of the Delmarva Women's Republican Club and the Worcester County Republican Women's Club. It was an honor to speak to these dedicated ladies (and a few of their husbands) about Pocomoke City, Worcester County, and politics in general across this great state.

The meetings bring to mind the importance of being informed and involved in our respective communities. Those on the eastern shore share many concerns which traverse jurisdictional boundaries and party lines. I spoke about freedom and liberty as it relates to our traditional Constitutional Republican form of government, and how they lead to greater wealth, opportunity, education, and ultimate prosperity when they are our focus.

I spoke about individual responsibility and the power of individual freedom. Government was never intended by the Founding Fathers to provide the entitlements we have come to rely upon as a people. Quite the contrary, our government was established to provide protection so we could endeavor to seek, ", liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" all the days of our lives.

As a people, we were never meant to become dependants of our government. When we stray from those founding principles, we must pay the price with our liberty. Taxes are how government pays the price demanded by her constituents. In the past 100 years, over 100 new taxes have been added. The average citizen paying taxes will, overall, pay half of their income in taxes to the government. It is a recipe for bondage and further dependence.

It is good to raise these issues and to consider the principles for governing laid out in our founding documents. It is good to remember why we sought to throw off the former government of the British Crown in order to "adopt new guardians" for our future. Those principles have not changed, but we have compromised our liberty, and our future prosperity is in jeopardy if we continue on this course.


Wymzie said...

Good Article Mr. Mayor!

Might I recommend the HBO special
John Adams...puts our founding fathers into a very human perspective. None of them agreed with each other on any detail, other than personal liberty.
It is based on the written correspondence between John and wife. Their continued correspondence over the the years has provided historians more personal information than just about any documents of their day.
It's quite good. It's already on week three, but I'm sure the series will come out on DVD soon.

BossHogg said...

Mr. Mayor:

Your comments might mean something if a citizens voted actually counted in Pocomoke City.

If things are so great here, why am I forced to use Maryland Public Information Act (FOIA) laws to obtain a copy of the Citys Public Information Program on ETHICS mandated by public law over 25-years ago?

Until the City rids itself of the unelected dictator of 32-years, there will be no democracy in P-City, crack will be cheap & plentiful in our open air drug market and the Boss Hoggers will continue to stuff the ballot boxes on election day.

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