Thursday, July 3, 2008

Enjoy This Sacred Holiday

I hope you take the time to be with family and friends during this holiday weekend to celebrate the tremendous freedoms our forefathers have secured for their heritage. Freedom has never been free. We will have it so long as we are willing to fight for our security. Ironically, as quick as liberals are to point to the global nature of our world and express their willingness to submit to the whims of a world body politic, they are incredibly slow minded in seeing our national defense strategies as being equally global in nature.

In an unstable world, the best strategy is to promote freedom around the globe. As tyranny is defeated and freedom comes to a people, stability is the byproduct. In time, those countries join the world market and prosper. Our country is often seen by the far left as being "imperialistic" when nothing could be further from the truth.

If the United States was "imperialistic", the Stars and Stripes would be flying over Germany and Japan. We would have extracted our pound of flesh from those whose countries we liberated from the iron boot and the rising sun. If we were an imperialistic people, our flag would be waving over the entire Korean Peninsula, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Cuba, Mexico, and the list goes on and on...

Instead, we pay with our own blood the purchase price of freedom for those in bondage. We pay with our own treasure to rebuild that which we destroyed through the war that secured freedom for the very people who sought to destroy us as a nation. We then continue to offer security for those same people that they may prosper while resting in the shadow of the eagle.

The principle export of our nation is Freedom. It is the enduring, eternal flame that burns in the hearts of every human born on the face of the earth. It has been trampled by tyrants and villains, yet it rises from the ashes and strikes at the heart of the wicked.

As you celebrate our Independence Day in this great country, remember those who will be on patrol this hour securing your liberties. Remember those who have shed blood in defense of this nation. Bring to mind those families who have sacrificed their loved ones on the alter of freedom, and talk to your young ones about the responsibilities of liberty.

The erosion of freedom is not from those who strive to protect it; rather, it is from those who diminish the worthiness of the fight, and encourage others to do likewise.

May God's Blessing continue to rest upon the "land of the free, and the home of the brave!"


Wymzie said...

Dear Mr. Mayor,

In your 4th of July Article you stated "In an unstable world, the best strategy is to promote freedom around the globe. As tyranny is defeated and freedom comes to a people, stability is the byproduct. In time, those countries join the world market and prosper. Our country is often seen by the far left as being "imperialistic" when nothing could be further from the truth.

If the United States was "imperialistic", the Stars and Stripes would be flying over Germany and Japan. We would have extracted our pound of flesh from those whose countries we liberated from the iron boot and the rising sun. If we were an imperialistic people, our flag would be waving over the entire Korean Peninsula, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Cuba, Mexico, and the list goes on and on..."
When you say that the 'far left sees our country as imperialistic'
I am very very right wing, and am finding our countries behavior extremely imperialistic. To say that if we were imperialists our flag would be flying over Korea, Cuba, Germany and others; well I feel compelled to say that it does. We have bases in many of the countries that you listed yet our borders remain un-protected.
I supported Ron Paul in the Presidential Election as he was the only candidate who wanted to bring our troops home to truly protect our borders and have the Treasury stop printing money to cover the costs of wars and bases that we can no longer afford to operate.
It is a shame that the MSM chose to black list him because he was pushing them into a corner of truth that the other candidates couldn't wrangle their way out of.
We may have been founded by Godly men, but I am afraid we are no longer being led by men of such standards and with the new FISA bill that was passed this week and the second passing of the Patriot Act, I'm afraid our country has traded it's freedom in exchange for a false sense of security.

Michael McDermott said...

There is a decided difference between maintaining a presence in a sovereign nation via military treaty and imperialism. In its prime, Great Brittain was "imperialistic" and "the sun never sets on the Brittish empire" as it was said. There is a significant difference between the two. The countries I mentioned operate independent of the US which would most certainly not be the case if they were retained as conquered territories.

As to Rep. Paul, I believe he is wrong. Our presence in the Middle East is critical, unless you trust the despot running Iran. Our borders are being secured through technology and personnel. This should have been done decades ago, but it was never viewed as much of a problem.

Our current problems are not immigration, rather they are the lack of assimilation by those who come across our border. Our country is a melting pot of culture and we have been stronger for it.

Seal the border; Cut the red tape for immigration; speed up the process; and work with community leaders on issues of assimilation.

The answer is not to provide bilingual services, rather to help those who struggle to learn English. This is assimilation. We must be a country with a common language that binds us together, lest we divide.